Friday, April 15, 2011


Okay, this is too much, the author that I have come to love - HP Mallory has started facebook pages for two of her characters. Seriously, amazing. It's like the reading has come to life. But here is where I start to question my OCD - if I know this, I might be on facebook all the time just checking out the discussions back and forth from the two characters. Super great, but does that just allow me to detach from reality even more then I already am when I read? When I read, I tend to get lost in the world I am reading. Does anyone else get super involved in their books? And spend A LOT OF time thinking about it all?

Which now leads me to my next train of thought - follow the ADHD thinking - as much as I am addicted to reading - why couldn't I write something myself. That way the story will always be going on. I need to take a creative writing course, to figure out how to start writing a story. But then does that lend itself to be lost in another world all the time?

Oh the complications!

The Hunger Games

I've been totally fascinated with my nook - but actually read a book (hard copy) that I had borrowed from my nook collaborator Sarah. If you haven't picked up Hunger Games for yourself, do! It was a very interesting read, a huge departure from my usual urban fantasy (vampires, fairies, were's etc.), but totally worth it. I can't wait until I get to the next book, which is currently on nook loan to Sarah.

But as I think about the book, I find myself in my own hunger games. How so you might ask, it's not like I have been dropped off at an arena and having to kill off the others to survive. But more so, that money has a such a control on my life. I LOVE TO SPEND IT - seriously, I have a strong addiction. But what if I were to go cold turkey as I am proposing for my 33rd?!? I feel like I should visit a shrink to help ease into this situation I am about to venture upon.

In preparation for my shopping hunger games - I bought a few things I know I am going to need. So yes, I might be starting off at a deficient - but at least there will be a few days, weeks, well more so hours - that I will have everything that I need. I also gave away things I don't really use, today I gave up 7 pairs of shoes. Pat on back - all went to good homes. I even gave up my wedding shoes, when would I have ever worn them again anyway?!?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Got it!

After some thought,for my 33rd year - I am going with not buying anything unless I have cash to pay for it. Which will be super duper hard for me, I love my credit cards, and I am pretty sure that my credit card companies love me!!!!

I am going to make my last day of plastic/line of credit my birthday.

I have a few exceptions:
1. Denese's wedding
2. birthday/christmas gifts - but I must pay for at least 50% cash and the rest will need to be paid within 3 paychecks.
3. extreme emergencies

So here are things that I will need to get used to:
1. no new purses or shoes (sad face)
2. probably not going to travel as much beside via work
3. no more OCD online shopping.
4. not getting fat, must be able to fit into my clothes

This is going to be tough, but rewarding. I am hopeful that this will also allow me to save some money and appreciate what I have.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trying something new...

So I've decided that it is time for me to fulfill a quest, i.e. really a goal. I have 2 1/2 weeks until my 33rd birthday, starting my 33rd year might be a good time to start, but that doesn't give me much time. Some things that I've heard this weekend just that people have done is:
- not buying anything new for a year
- a month of only vegetarian meals
- taking a picture of yourself everyday for a set period of time
- taking a picture of something everyday

I could ask everyone what they gave up for lent and just to do that? It would have to be something I love - like Soda, Shopping, the internet, all my techie stuff, etc. But I suspect that would be the HARDEST thing ever.

Huh? What should it be?

1. I am already doing a bit of traveling this year
- San Fran in Late May
- Alaskan Cruise in June
- Italy/Greece in January
So not shopping would be terrible, no one would get any souvenirs. Though, Chris is with me through all these adventures - maybe he could buy the souvenirs?

2. Maybe I could give up junk food? I love junk food - chips, candy, cake, pie, etc.

3. No new shoes, purses, dresses - which I do buy quite a bit of.

4. I could do the how - only pay for things on my debit/cash? Pay days are often take all the money I make and pay bills. = this might be a good one, I'm keeping this as a top potential for my 33rd year.

5. I could buy something for $1 everyday without buying something more then 5 times? - i.e. a lottery ticket = and take a picture of that.

6. Maybe only eat stuff that is organic? Or locally? That would be super hard if you ever eat out, plus I don't think they make organic hot dogs do they?

7. Use the Bus for transportation to and from work - YIKES that would take an hour - which is usually a 15 minute ride

8. I could actually exercise towards a goal - i.e. get fit enough to actually do P90X and then actually do P90X.

9. work on being an extra on TV

10. Write a play

11. write a novella

12.. What Else? I need help!

By April 19th - a goal will be picked and started - help and stay tuned.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27, 2011

It has been so long, such is life right? Was super busy with work - still not slowing down... and I've been reading a bunch. If you are a reader - get the SOOKIE STACKHOUSE series, these are the series used for True Blood - but better! I just finished book 4, which only took a few hours to read. It's great light read.

But here is the quote of the day - Can you bring my cockring?



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Qoute of the day - Feb. 8



I was on a trip to Albany for Lobby Day for NYS Tap. And on the way home, our bus driver told us that the bus door when going west makes a noise due to the wind. So a few times we heard the noise - and then WHAM - loud enough to make my ears ring, the door flies open while we are going 70 miles an hour down the 90. The 60 a mile hour winds, blew the door open on the bus. It was the freakest thing I ever heard and seen.

So after hobbling to the next rest area, we sat for 4 hours until they sent another bus to get us. Then after 3 hours of driving - they put us on a smaller bus which was FREEZING, the last hour to Buffalo.

Once in the Medaille lot, we had to scrape all the ice off our cars, and I tired to get out. Of course, I am stuck in my parking spot. Seriously? It is 12:30 am at night, I was supposed to be home by 8 pm - and i'm effing stuck in the parking lot. After a call to Public Safety and a couple of them pushing, I finally got home at 1 am... arg...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Qoute of the Day - Feb. 1, 2011

"is that 16 cents?"

A student walked into my office wanting to buy roses from our Valentine's Day Rose sale. He was confused about the pricing (picture later). And when I explained it to him, he looked at the information and looking at the 1/2 dozen red price - $16.

WOW - can you imagine 16 cents for a half dozen red roses on Valentine's day?

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31st, 2011 - introduction of Peanut Brittle

Last day of the first month of 2011. I've tried really hard to at least keep on the blog as part of my new years resolution - been hard - but trying.

As far as today - my friend Latoya had her baby girl today - CONGRATS Latoya! I can't wait to see Peanut Brittle after my antibiotics are over.

Had my Italy meeting today and 20 students came, amazing! I just need 6 to go and i'm for sure going... I'm so excited for another trip. I love my job and get to see the world and teach others to love travel and learning about new cultures is such an amazing perk!!! I might set up the 2013 trip soon - thinking about Australia - terrified of the plane ride though... hello? LOST

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

This weekend has gone by fast - I'm getting over being super sick. But I still have a ton of meds to go through... last night was the first night without nyquil, only woke up a few times to coughing, hurray - I was worried I was going to form an addiction.

So, funny story - and lord knows why this shit happens to me. On Friday, I was pounding through the water, trying to stay hydrated while at work. I sounded like shit, and would have a coughing fit every 10 - 20 minutes. These coughing fits, are so hard, they make me sweat. It was terrible, on the phone, while in conversations, during a workshop I was presenting - you get the picture. Well, as I was walking towards an event that my GA was working, I had a freakin' coughing fit. Unfortunately, this time it made me pee a little in my pants! HOLY CRAP, seriously? I was wearing gray cords, and I was freakin' out that my pants were going to be darker from the pee. Dear Lord, seriously, it is the busiest time of the day, the student center was packed. Good thing is that I didn't pee that much, praise the lord. But for the rest of the day and weekend, I wore a panty liner, just in case!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 3 of being sick - no clue what day it is...

It is day 3 of being diagnosed - double whammy - Ear and Sinus infection, and it sucks. Tonight I was supposed to go to UB and see the Govenator - seriously - sick still! I could probably go, but I didn't want to risk hacking which can last a cough or two - or for 5 minutes. They come on with no warning. TERRIBLE!

On top of being sick,I've just been eating whatever I want, and often, and in large qualities! I can't help myself, Nutella and Banana sandwiches have become my new best friends. Well if BFFs are things you eat. I can't get enough of them, they are so good. I blame Paris for loving nutella and bananas combo.

I wish I was back to normal, this sucks something terrible.

Monday, January 24, 2011

justin and jc mickey mouse club

So I caught this on another website and couldn't help to post it= amazing what you can find on youtube.

Wish I didn't have this damn cough, Drs. Appt tomorrow to find out what this two week lingering cough means. -Boo!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011

Not going to say where this thought came from - but...
Would you rather be:
- Fat but celebrity gorgeous (and sorry you are unable to lose the weight)
- Thin but unattractive - not even plain (and yet again, nothing you can do about it - no plastic surgery)

I haven't made up my mind on what I would rather...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22, 2011

I think I have a bed problem - I can't get out of it!!!! Today I got out of bed at 1:15, my mind was up at 12 pm but my body was not. Though, I did go to bed around 2:30 am, and took some NyQuil, that might be the reason I was so out of it. Who knows - maybe it is because I'm sleep deprived or sick, or all of the above. Whatever the reason, I'm dragging, and there is no reason for it. Then I screwed up what time I had to be at work - but like 3 hours - poop! Oh well, there is always next week.

On a good note, I was able to return my jacket that I bought the day before leaving for Europe, since the zipper broke while I was there = that is a nice $180 back, hurray! And I finished the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse novels - the inspiration for True Blood. The book followed pretty much like the first season of True Blood, with some differences. Don't want to spoil it for anyone - so I won't say. But the next book is already bought and downloaded, I think I will read that after I finish my 3rd HP Mallory book...

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21, 2011

Another day that I barely ate - I really need to remind myself to eat during the day. Anywho - I needed a good laugh, and here are the things that made me laugh today:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011

Things to not forget about trip-
- Kristine almost falling down the stairs in the Metro in Paris
- Mystery bruises on our legs?
- MYSTERY SCRATCH on my forehead
- Almost getting a mustache tattoo on my finger
- Dublin having the best Apple Pie! Or at least the best crust!
- Pastie - like a steak, onion and potato pizza pocket!
- The Madame in Paris - Fried egg, cheesy yummy sandwhich
- Killarney Nights
- Carriage ride from Guinness
- The smell of the Guinness factory - Jill wanting to bottle it up as a perfume
- Terrible Pizza in London
- The TUBE is great
- Tying my head to the back of my seat
- Picking up on Sausage town in London
- Almost losing my camera at Wicked
- Blackout on Subway in Paris

Happy Snappy: Place to take a picture
Shakey – William Shakespeare

English sayings:
Waffeling – going on about nothing
Loo – toilet
Streaky Bacon – Underside of the bacon
Crushed – Super Tired
What’ the crack? – What’s up? What’s happening?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011

Arg - I hate when things are thrown at me that I should have seen coming! But to be fair, I do have plenty on my plate, there is only so much you can add to the plate before things fall off without me noticing. HATE not being on top of things, drives me crazy! For instance, today I was busy working an ice cream social and failed to eat breakfast or much of a lunch. How is it possible - seriously it is me we are taking about - to scoop ice cream for over an hour and to only eat some whipped cream and strawberries? I am talking that is all I ate today beside my cup of coffee until 6 pm when I finally got dinner. What in the hell is that about? Then to throw something at me just to add to my stress level, when I am too busy to eat, is just crazy talk. C'est la vie.

On to other topics, now I know that I have terrible grammar - as witnessed throughout my blog, but I wonder what it takes to write a book? I have been reading more then usual with my nook, and have plenty of ideas in my head... but what does it take to get them all down on paper? What kind of time commitment would that be? ?Maybe I can just write a few novellas - those are like 100 pages or less, right? I think I will add that to my life list... speaking of the life list - I wonder where I put it? Do I need to write one again? Maybe this week....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18, 2011

First day back at work, it was an easy pace, which was nice. I am finally uploading all my pictures from Ireland = taking forever! Next I will be creating my videos - must change mp4 to avi - which sucks butt!

Was going to eat the best wings in Buffalo = according to the hubby... but decided that it wasn't worth me driving out to come back, maybe another day.

ugh, nothing really to report...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

PARIS! Holy crap we did a lot today! We started at Notre Dame – the highest pickpocket area of EUROPE, and would you effing believe that I forgot my memory card for my camera? No worries – bought one in a local shop, thank goodness!!! Bad way to start a day!
After Notre Dame, we headed over to the Louvre. After seeing the Mona Lisa and the Venus Di Milo, we headed out. That place is huge! It would take all day to walk through it. So we walked a millions miles the rest of the day and checked out – Place De La Concorde, The Arc De Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. We even stopped at a 4 story Louis Vuitton!
After the Eiffel Tower, I wanted to hit up the final Hard Rock… during this trip I went to the Dublin, London and Paris. My dad and FIL will be happy! They also got stuff from the Beijing Hard Rock – lucky boys!
We decided to have dessert for dinner so we grabbed a nutella and banana crepe and moved on to find our next spot. I ended up eating Onion Soup - had to have it in France. And well, it was okay, not quite the same as home.
Finally, we headed home – and hopped on the Metro to find out that the stop that we were going to take to transfer was out! Then the train came to a stop and the lights went out. HOLY CRAP! I grabbed my purse instinctively, a French announcement was made, of which we had no idea what they said. We just laughed, and others laughed at us. After we figured out that we can hop out the next stop and change up trains, we relaxed a little. But then the connection was very obscure, we were really happy we had a metro map. BUT WE MADE IT and felt uber accomplished!
Great way to end our Paris leg. CAN’T WAIT TO BE HOME! I miss my own bed, I miss not having to pack every other day, and most of all, I miss my husband. Now hopefully our flights work out!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 11, 2011

London was a great time! We had the best guide, Stephen! He was HILARIOUS!!!!! And gave a pretty good tour. I really enjoyed his bit. After our 3 hour bus tour, we went off on our own. We first headed up to get lunch, and ended up in this tiny bistro we tried to find the night before! GO FIGURE. It was pretty good, and funny we found it in Chinatown. After our Fish and Chips, we headed over to Harrods. Holy crap that store is HUGE. We literally walked through at least 15-20 different food areas! I bought stuff, just so I can have a real Harrods shopping bag! We all got separated so I went off on my own to do a bit more shopping. I was hoping to find SOHO again so I can take a picture or buy the “I’M A MAN BITCH” shirt I saw. AWESOME. But failed, but found an H & M! Bought a whole new outfit to wear to Wicked that night…

January 10, 2011

Today I woke up and felt like POOP! Seriously thought I had the flu. And our first thing to do for the day was to drive 2 ½ hours to Anne Hathaway’s cottage. Then we went to see Shakey’s birthplace. After seeing it, we went straight to the Chemist! A few of us bought – Day & Night Nurse. Basically it is day and night qyll. IT IS AMAZING! The combination of the drugs and sleep on the bus has made me feel so much better. Unfortunately - they wouldn't let us buy more then 3 days worth, which made me nervous since in three days we would be in Paris, and I wouldn't be able to read anything.

After Shakey’s birthplace, we went to Oxford. That was pretty cool, and very old. I went to Harvard last year, and you think that is old, but then you get here, and it is like 600 years older. CRAZY!

And finally we got to London. Hurray for an elevator! We went on a quick walking tour of London with Heidliegh, and managed to find the Hard Rock. Ate the worst pizza in the world in Piccadilly Circus. And found our way home on the Tube by ourselves! Super easy!
Time for more drugs!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Random Ireland Pictures

Castle Jan. 9

Long named city - Jan. 9

Biggest Ferry - Jan. 9

St. Patrick's Cathedral - Jan. 8

Random Guinness guy outside of the Guinness - Jan. 8

January 9, 2011

Had to get up at the butt crack of dawn and was on the bus at 6:30 am! Off to Wales! Some of the girls in my group didn’t come back to hotel until 4 am, oh to be young again. The boat ride was about 4 hours – and I upgraded with Michol so we can get the free beverages and a mini buffet. It was totally worth it – we had way more room. After we got off the gigantic ferry – we went to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch – yes just one word! And they even leave out a passport stamp so that you can stamp your passport with it
Then it was an hour drive to yet another castle. We laughed since we have seen sooooooo many castles, it is starting to get old. And then a 2 hour drive to this roadside hotel with nothing to do around. Strange thing is our keys – they are Skelton keys, and you have to lock yourself into your room. Since there is nothing to do, we are all calling it an early night. Right now on BBC2 is the world dart tournament – it makes me miss Chris. But I did get to finally Skype with him today – hurray for great wi-fi.
Tomorrow - we go to see Shakespeare’s birth place, Anne Hathaway’s Cottage (Shakespeare’s’ wife not the actress), Oxford and London! We stay in London tomorrow and will take a guided walking tour too – busy busy!

January 8, 2011

Started off the day with a real breakfast, well it was a small buffet , but it was much more than just a piece of toast with some scrambled eggs. I had my first black and white pudding. Which is not like the jello you are thinking of. Black sausage is blood and meat, while white is no meat but has oats. I didn’t really care for the black pudding, but the white wasn’t so bad. And the sausage wasn’t very strong. It was mild, and just a bit different. The bacon was more like Canadian bacon. Hedliegh our guide said that in the UK they have more like 35 different types of bacon. There should be a foodie bacon tour of the UK…I LOVE BACON!
After breakfast we took a guided bus tour of Dublin. We visited St. Patrick’s Cathedral which isn’t a catholic cathedral. We also visited Trinity College and saw the book of Kells. But after 3 hours, we were off on our own. We went to the Guinness Factory Store, and got to the history and how they make Guinness. And at the end of the self guided tour – you get to either get to learn how to pull your own pint OR go up stairs and hang out in this awesome, 360 degree bar area where they pull you a pint. We were going to learn how to pull a pint since you get a certificate, but the wait was too long and we were too hungry. So we opted to eat at the restaurant where I had amazing seafood chowder and some Guinness bread with I think cream cheese and smoked salmon. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD! Afterwards we went and got our pints. I am happy to say that I had about ½. Though everywhere we have been, our bartenders always say the first one is the toughest.
After Guinness, we got in horse pulled carriages to Temple Bar so I could hit up the Hard Rock and give us an idea of how long of a walk it was to our hotel. The Carriage ride was great, but a bit cold, wish the thing had windows we could wind up. And they just dropped us off, not even near the Hard Rock- oh well, we got to see most Temple Bar.
Later we went to Temple Bar, had the most hilarious cabby ever!!!!!! And I mean ever! This guy could have done stand up. I laughed pretty hard… the one thing I remember, which will not sound funny at all out of context is: “you can’t go medieval on your own ass” in a reference to doing heroin and crack at the same time. Though it initially sounded like fun, it was more like Chippewa with how crowded everything was and I’m more of an Allentown girl. I am pretty sure that I made it to second base with some of the folks at the bar trying to find a spot. Needless to say, I didn’t stay too long. I ended up hopping in a cab and making it an early night. Tomorrow we need to leave for Wales and need to be at the Ferry at 7 am, so I rather be in bed, and getting a little bit of sleep. All in all, I think I really enjoyed western Ireland more than the big city. Not that I don’t think Dublin is great, it just seems to modern and less like what I expected Ireland to be like. Great for all the things you can do, and how easy it is to walk about. I can’t wait to come back to Ireland and share this experience with Chris. Anyone want to come? Let’s start planning!
Can’t wait to go to LONDON on Monday! Got tickets to see Wicked in the west end in a 3,500 seat theatre!

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7

Headed to Blarney! The road was so windy that I actually got car sickeness. There were quite a few of us that had it. One girl did puke in the coach.

TERRIBLE! But we did get to kiss the Blarney Stone. But I didn’t do it, just getting up to the stone, you had to walk up these windy windy shallow steps. I was very scared to even go up. And once you are up, to kiss the stone, you had to lean out of the castle. TERRIFYING! I would have a heart attack, seriously. The castle was my living nightmare.

The stairs down weren’t as bad, they were wider and a handrail. On the way up they were very narrow and just had a rope to go up

Started to rain during our lunch, more of what I thought our whole trip was going to be like. Glad it held off.

So we are now in Dublin, hurray for wi-fi! Crazy thing about our hotel in Dubin is my students have this huge room - huge, towel warming rack, 4 beds, plenty of rooms for cartwells... but my room is the "Lepracun" sized room. The door almost hits the bed, and does not allow to walk passed it. I had to put the luggage on the bed, closed the door then walk around. I also have another stand up shower, and a toilet that does not have a lid. I can't stop laughing about it!

There have been several hilarious moments on this trip, but I will never ever be able to put them into context.

SUPER BUMMED I am missing the Eastern Game tonight - GO EAGS!

January 6

We started with a carriage ride through our Killarey, it was pretty awesome but FREEZING!. Today we are visiting the Ring of Kerry- which is about 100 miles and takes us around the Irish moments. Breathtaking views of the green mountains!!!! There used to be a train that ran along the Ring, but today the train is no longer and now people either walk or cycle over a week.

We stopped at a little “town” that represented the old Irish times. And it also had a pub, had an Irish Coffee – surprisingly it was pretty tasty! While we were at the bar, we meet a few Irishman. Donnie – pronounced Doonnie. He told a story about how today is “ladies night”. Apparently since the ladies do so much work during the holidays, today is the day that every women (married or not) goes out. Ironically, Donnie and our carriage driver said they will be at “The Grand”. So tonight, we will be seeing at least a few people we all know. Later Timmy our bus driver told us that it called “Women’s Small Christmas”. And it was true, Claire our Irish friend told us that it was true.

So we started the night at O’Connolls – and our bartender Timmy was great! I had my first Irish Cider. It really didn’t taste like anything – I was told it was just like a sweeter Beer. Needless to say, I’m happy to say that I had my first two beers. The first one I bought, the second one this old man Phillip bought. He was SUPER Drunk already and drank at least 5 more drinks while we were there. He sang us irish songs (got a video) but he had TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE breath. Seriously, just thinking about it is making my tummy turn just typing about it. He was very annoying and handsey and we finally left to just get away.

Others that we met at O’Connolls – Conor (just one N), Kenny, and Darby. I made fun of Conor for ordering two drinks - i.e. double fisting it. I think I taught them a new American term. But eventually, after a few minutes his friend Kenny actually did appear. I also got a chat up line by another old paddy - “Didn’t recognize you with your clothes on” Which my response was “Do I look just as good?”
Okay - onto the Grand. There was a awesome live band (got video too). That place was great, but had to leave early with a student since she wanted to leave. As the adult/chaperon, it was my job to go home with her. It ended up working out since we found a place to eat and I had a “snack box” with 3 pieces of fried chicken and “chips”. The fried chicken had a spice I’m not used too – I think it was curry. It was pretty darn good.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Still January 5, 2011

Man am I tried - I am working on being up for the last 30 hours! CRAZY! But we did a lot of stuff today. Since we came in so early we got to Limerick while the other part of the group flew in. We have probably seen 4 castles so far. Our tour guide Hedleigh told us Europeans think things that are 300 year old are new... so basically everything in America is new. Oh perspective, amazing how it changes on where you go. Doesn't Vegas believe if it is 5 years old it is old?!?

As of now, I am all cleaned up and ready for dinner at 8 pm. They upgraded me into a single room - which means I get my room to myself along with my twin size bed! The wireless connection at our hotel is terrible, so I might have to keep my computer running all night to get some pictures up. But I will at least post one picture of a castle.

January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to my DAD and KC!

In Shannon at the airport - hurray for free wi-fi! Seriously, awesome! We are the first ones on the trip so we are waiting for the bus to pick us up. Once we get picked up, we will be going to see a castle, then back to the airport to pick up the next group, then off to Limerick. No sleep on the flight, but oh well, I’m in EFFIN’ IRELAND! I can’t believe it, I’m in EUROPE! Had to take a quick moist towelette bath, and wash my face, which helps me feel less gross. Okay, maybe I’m a little tired now… off to the store to get an energy drink! See you on the flip side bitches!
PS – if my husband is reading this – MISS YOU BABE!!!!

January 4, 2011

Sitting at the airport with the 4 girls – once I get to a place that I can actually access the internet, will post - but if you are reading this that means I’ve already gotten internet access. 20 minutes until our first flight, this is so exciting!
Arrived in Newark – spent about an 1 ½ in the airport – just enough time to grab something to eat and get some Ben and Jerry’s. Currently it’s 7:54 pm and we are on our way to Shannnon! Though we are sitting in the very back row, we came on about 10 people too late and all the overhead compartments were taken… so all of our stuff had to go about 10 rows ahead. Since I’m in the aisle and there is the video components are all underneath, my handy dandy under the seat luggage from LL Bean didn’t fit under the seat – that sucks a big one! Had to quickly grab all the stuff I can think of needing throughout the flight and quickly shove the bag in a compartment up a ways. Other than that, we get our own TVS, our head rest move up and down, and we even power outlets under the seat! Too bad I didn’t grab my power cords, damn! Oh well, I will at least know that for future abroad trips with Continental.
Only 2981 more miles to go… a little under 6 hours.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My final point...

Become immortal -

January 3, 2011

Day 1:
Today I started this blog, hurray!  Chris convinced me that this would be easier and it will do the things that I want to do with our website.  I will share our website when it looks better, right now it's all old stuff about our wedding reception from two years ago.  This does seem easy enough and will be helpful when I'm traveling.

The one thing I already love is the poll thingie. It will totally turn into a fight resolver between Chris and I... seriously how many times do you fight with your partner about things that you know can be settled with a poll!?! I'm real happy about arguments that can be settled by a poll - so check back and make sure you vote, and though I will try really hard not to make it obvious who side is which, I can't make any promises.

I'm also happy that this is set up the day before I leave for my big trip to Europe!  Though really I am only going to Ireland, England and Paris.  I always name the countries I am going to except for Paris.  Maybe it's because I am only going to Paris and not other places in France.  Maybe if I were going to multiple places in France, I would just say France.  Eh?

So I'm all packed and ready to go - let's start this blog with a picture of my luggage, that makes sense right?  Terrible way to start a blog, but here I go...