Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 11, 2011

London was a great time! We had the best guide, Stephen! He was HILARIOUS!!!!! And gave a pretty good tour. I really enjoyed his bit. After our 3 hour bus tour, we went off on our own. We first headed up to get lunch, and ended up in this tiny bistro we tried to find the night before! GO FIGURE. It was pretty good, and funny we found it in Chinatown. After our Fish and Chips, we headed over to Harrods. Holy crap that store is HUGE. We literally walked through at least 15-20 different food areas! I bought stuff, just so I can have a real Harrods shopping bag! We all got separated so I went off on my own to do a bit more shopping. I was hoping to find SOHO again so I can take a picture or buy the “I’M A MAN BITCH” shirt I saw. AWESOME. But failed, but found an H & M! Bought a whole new outfit to wear to Wicked that night…

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