Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7

Headed to Blarney! The road was so windy that I actually got car sickeness. There were quite a few of us that had it. One girl did puke in the coach.

TERRIBLE! But we did get to kiss the Blarney Stone. But I didn’t do it, just getting up to the stone, you had to walk up these windy windy shallow steps. I was very scared to even go up. And once you are up, to kiss the stone, you had to lean out of the castle. TERRIFYING! I would have a heart attack, seriously. The castle was my living nightmare.

The stairs down weren’t as bad, they were wider and a handrail. On the way up they were very narrow and just had a rope to go up

Started to rain during our lunch, more of what I thought our whole trip was going to be like. Glad it held off.

So we are now in Dublin, hurray for wi-fi! Crazy thing about our hotel in Dubin is my students have this huge room - huge, towel warming rack, 4 beds, plenty of rooms for cartwells... but my room is the "Lepracun" sized room. The door almost hits the bed, and does not allow to walk passed it. I had to put the luggage on the bed, closed the door then walk around. I also have another stand up shower, and a toilet that does not have a lid. I can't stop laughing about it!

There have been several hilarious moments on this trip, but I will never ever be able to put them into context.

SUPER BUMMED I am missing the Eastern Game tonight - GO EAGS!

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