Friday, January 7, 2011

January 6

We started with a carriage ride through our Killarey, it was pretty awesome but FREEZING!. Today we are visiting the Ring of Kerry- which is about 100 miles and takes us around the Irish moments. Breathtaking views of the green mountains!!!! There used to be a train that ran along the Ring, but today the train is no longer and now people either walk or cycle over a week.

We stopped at a little “town” that represented the old Irish times. And it also had a pub, had an Irish Coffee – surprisingly it was pretty tasty! While we were at the bar, we meet a few Irishman. Donnie – pronounced Doonnie. He told a story about how today is “ladies night”. Apparently since the ladies do so much work during the holidays, today is the day that every women (married or not) goes out. Ironically, Donnie and our carriage driver said they will be at “The Grand”. So tonight, we will be seeing at least a few people we all know. Later Timmy our bus driver told us that it called “Women’s Small Christmas”. And it was true, Claire our Irish friend told us that it was true.

So we started the night at O’Connolls – and our bartender Timmy was great! I had my first Irish Cider. It really didn’t taste like anything – I was told it was just like a sweeter Beer. Needless to say, I’m happy to say that I had my first two beers. The first one I bought, the second one this old man Phillip bought. He was SUPER Drunk already and drank at least 5 more drinks while we were there. He sang us irish songs (got a video) but he had TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE breath. Seriously, just thinking about it is making my tummy turn just typing about it. He was very annoying and handsey and we finally left to just get away.

Others that we met at O’Connolls – Conor (just one N), Kenny, and Darby. I made fun of Conor for ordering two drinks - i.e. double fisting it. I think I taught them a new American term. But eventually, after a few minutes his friend Kenny actually did appear. I also got a chat up line by another old paddy - “Didn’t recognize you with your clothes on” Which my response was “Do I look just as good?”
Okay - onto the Grand. There was a awesome live band (got video too). That place was great, but had to leave early with a student since she wanted to leave. As the adult/chaperon, it was my job to go home with her. It ended up working out since we found a place to eat and I had a “snack box” with 3 pieces of fried chicken and “chips”. The fried chicken had a spice I’m not used too – I think it was curry. It was pretty darn good.

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