Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011

Arg - I hate when things are thrown at me that I should have seen coming! But to be fair, I do have plenty on my plate, there is only so much you can add to the plate before things fall off without me noticing. HATE not being on top of things, drives me crazy! For instance, today I was busy working an ice cream social and failed to eat breakfast or much of a lunch. How is it possible - seriously it is me we are taking about - to scoop ice cream for over an hour and to only eat some whipped cream and strawberries? I am talking that is all I ate today beside my cup of coffee until 6 pm when I finally got dinner. What in the hell is that about? Then to throw something at me just to add to my stress level, when I am too busy to eat, is just crazy talk. C'est la vie.

On to other topics, now I know that I have terrible grammar - as witnessed throughout my blog, but I wonder what it takes to write a book? I have been reading more then usual with my nook, and have plenty of ideas in my head... but what does it take to get them all down on paper? What kind of time commitment would that be? ?Maybe I can just write a few novellas - those are like 100 pages or less, right? I think I will add that to my life list... speaking of the life list - I wonder where I put it? Do I need to write one again? Maybe this week....

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