Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trying something new...

So I've decided that it is time for me to fulfill a quest, i.e. really a goal. I have 2 1/2 weeks until my 33rd birthday, starting my 33rd year might be a good time to start, but that doesn't give me much time. Some things that I've heard this weekend just that people have done is:
- not buying anything new for a year
- a month of only vegetarian meals
- taking a picture of yourself everyday for a set period of time
- taking a picture of something everyday

I could ask everyone what they gave up for lent and just to do that? It would have to be something I love - like Soda, Shopping, the internet, all my techie stuff, etc. But I suspect that would be the HARDEST thing ever.

Huh? What should it be?

1. I am already doing a bit of traveling this year
- San Fran in Late May
- Alaskan Cruise in June
- Italy/Greece in January
So not shopping would be terrible, no one would get any souvenirs. Though, Chris is with me through all these adventures - maybe he could buy the souvenirs?

2. Maybe I could give up junk food? I love junk food - chips, candy, cake, pie, etc.

3. No new shoes, purses, dresses - which I do buy quite a bit of.

4. I could do the how - only pay for things on my debit/cash? Pay days are often take all the money I make and pay bills. = this might be a good one, I'm keeping this as a top potential for my 33rd year.

5. I could buy something for $1 everyday without buying something more then 5 times? - i.e. a lottery ticket = and take a picture of that.

6. Maybe only eat stuff that is organic? Or locally? That would be super hard if you ever eat out, plus I don't think they make organic hot dogs do they?

7. Use the Bus for transportation to and from work - YIKES that would take an hour - which is usually a 15 minute ride

8. I could actually exercise towards a goal - i.e. get fit enough to actually do P90X and then actually do P90X.

9. work on being an extra on TV

10. Write a play

11. write a novella

12.. What Else? I need help!

By April 19th - a goal will be picked and started - help and stay tuned.

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