Monday, April 4, 2011

Got it!

After some thought,for my 33rd year - I am going with not buying anything unless I have cash to pay for it. Which will be super duper hard for me, I love my credit cards, and I am pretty sure that my credit card companies love me!!!!

I am going to make my last day of plastic/line of credit my birthday.

I have a few exceptions:
1. Denese's wedding
2. birthday/christmas gifts - but I must pay for at least 50% cash and the rest will need to be paid within 3 paychecks.
3. extreme emergencies

So here are things that I will need to get used to:
1. no new purses or shoes (sad face)
2. probably not going to travel as much beside via work
3. no more OCD online shopping.
4. not getting fat, must be able to fit into my clothes

This is going to be tough, but rewarding. I am hopeful that this will also allow me to save some money and appreciate what I have.

Wish me luck!

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