Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27, 2011

It has been so long, such is life right? Was super busy with work - still not slowing down... and I've been reading a bunch. If you are a reader - get the SOOKIE STACKHOUSE series, these are the series used for True Blood - but better! I just finished book 4, which only took a few hours to read. It's great light read.

But here is the quote of the day - Can you bring my cockring?



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Qoute of the day - Feb. 8



I was on a trip to Albany for Lobby Day for NYS Tap. And on the way home, our bus driver told us that the bus door when going west makes a noise due to the wind. So a few times we heard the noise - and then WHAM - loud enough to make my ears ring, the door flies open while we are going 70 miles an hour down the 90. The 60 a mile hour winds, blew the door open on the bus. It was the freakest thing I ever heard and seen.

So after hobbling to the next rest area, we sat for 4 hours until they sent another bus to get us. Then after 3 hours of driving - they put us on a smaller bus which was FREEZING, the last hour to Buffalo.

Once in the Medaille lot, we had to scrape all the ice off our cars, and I tired to get out. Of course, I am stuck in my parking spot. Seriously? It is 12:30 am at night, I was supposed to be home by 8 pm - and i'm effing stuck in the parking lot. After a call to Public Safety and a couple of them pushing, I finally got home at 1 am... arg...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Qoute of the Day - Feb. 1, 2011

"is that 16 cents?"

A student walked into my office wanting to buy roses from our Valentine's Day Rose sale. He was confused about the pricing (picture later). And when I explained it to him, he looked at the information and looking at the 1/2 dozen red price - $16.

WOW - can you imagine 16 cents for a half dozen red roses on Valentine's day?